Why Your Business Needs a Network Audit

Why Your Business Needs a Network Audit

Your computer systems, your network and your software are critical to the successful operation of your business. When your network comes to a screeching halt, so can your business. In any economic climate, the success of your business depends on the health of your computer network.

Most networks are not installed as a whole into a business, but rather are built up and cobbled together over a period of time. At first a couple of desktops were brought into the office, and your systems were built up over time until today every desk has a PC or laptop. There is a mix of wired and wireless systems, hubs, routers, switches and servers that were installed as the business grew. Perhaps even the phone systems were upgraded along the way. Somehow it all works, but there may be choke points or nodes that are slowing down your network’s performance and perhaps just waiting to bring it all down. A network auditsize will analyze your entire business network infrastructure to determine the health of your network. Auditing a network will give a business owner a detailed overview of the status of the hardware, software and security features within the network. The information documented in an audit will provide the identification and status of:

Software and software versions


Data back-up

Routers & switches

Security applications

Firewall functionality

Anti-virus and anti-spam protection


RAM (memory)

System performance

VoIP systems functionality

Hard drives & devices

Back-up power

Underperforming equipment

Hardware & software inventory

With the information provided from a professional audit, you can look into any potential future problems and take corrective action now. The business owner can improve system reliability by implementing enhanced security, replacing hardware or installing software upgrades.

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State and Federal governments are enacting new security regulations for business network systems. A network auditsize> will highlight areas of non-compliance. Personal information privacy is of utmost concern to offices storing Electronic Medical Records (EMR) or tax preparation forms. An audit will disclose any security issues created by transmitting confidential information over the internet, such as financial transactions or credit card numbers. Security breaches can be costly in fines or penalties but hidden costs include losing the confidence of your clients.

As part of a service agreement with a Managed Service Provider such as BCS/CallProcessing, monitoring software is installed on your network. 24/7 remote monitoring will highlight problems that can be readily addressed before a disastrous and costly system failure occurs. A business owner can be assured that hardware and software are functioning at optimum level, and that all is in compliance.

Are you concerned about the performance or security of your business network? Do you have a Microsoft Exchange Server and need to send encrypted e-mail messages? Call us at: 781-871-2121 for a complementary evaluation of your network system. The engineers at BC&S will give you peace of mind regarding the secure and productive use of technology in your business.