How Automated Utility Communication Software can help During Communication Outage

Today’s communication outages are not like those of the past. In the past, there was nothing like updates when communication outage occurred. You would know there is a communication outage when you saw telephone lines destroyed by the storm. However, today’s communication-obsessed world requires customer service team to keep customers updated when there is a communication outage. Otherwise, they will get frustrated and abandon your service right away. Customers need timely and accurate updates to make critical decisions regarding the main challenges around outage communication.

Your utility customer service team should strive to provide accurate information to customers during the outage. Automated utility communication software can help your utility customer service team to improve communication during the outage without a lot of hassle and time wastage. The software can help an enterprise to improve customer satisfaction and awareness significantly. Here is how automated utility communication software can make a difference during the outage.

Automated Constant Updates

After you receive updates from your technicians, automated utility communication software will help you to create new outage messages. In fact, it allows you to send automated updates to thousands of your utility customers in minutes. Frequent updates enhance customer service, reduce frustration, and keeps customers in the loop. With computerized updates, an enterprise minimizes the time that its staff would have spent speaking with customers on the phone. Integrating automated utility communication software to your system will enable you to spread critical information with a single click. As a utility marketer, your goal is to keep all your customers up to date. Automated messages allow you to reach out to your utility customers with updates that are relevant to their accounts, service downtime, and bill payment dates. Automated service notification can enable an enterprise to spread useful information through text message, social media, and email. Below are some of the benefits of using automated utility communication solutions.

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Use Multiple Communication Channels

Using multiple communication channels to send outage messages increases the likelihood of everyone getting the message. Multi-channel utility communication software enables an enterprise to spread outage information through channels such as social media, voicemail, email, and text messages. Keeping customers in the loop can go a long way to build customer trust. In fact, informing your customers about service disruption might generate sales as it will grow your reputation as a trustworthy business partner. Keeping your customers informed signals that you are in control and concerned about their grievances.

Utility Outage Landing Page

It is crucial for every utility company to set up a utility outage landing page where customers can access details of the communication outage. The page should include emails and contacts that customers can call for assistance, estimated restoration time, common causes of communication outage, and frequently asked questions. After a communication outage, you can send out an automated customer survey to gain customer feedback. That way, you will identify the areas that you need to improve. Customer feedback enables an enterprise to optimize its communication the next time a communication outage strikes. Your automated utility communication software collects and organizes all the data to make it easier for you to meet customer demand.