Choosing the Right Ancillary Equipment Saves Time and Energy

Regular removal of sludge, sediment, and gas particles allow a boiler system to operate efficiently and safely. Ancillary equipment is a way to complement the effective operation of your boiler system. Below are a few options to consider.

Intermittent Blowdown with Aftercooler

Boiler systems that do not need to purge blowdown regularly can wait the necessary 9 to 12 hours it takes for the water to cool to acceptable release temperature. Many systems do not have this much time to wait. An Intermittent Blowdown with Aftercool system allows the hot blowdown liquid to be mixed with cooling water to lower the temperature faster. It can then be released and prepared to accept more blowdown.

Continuous Blowdown with Heat Recovery

Boiler systems that generate a ton of continuous blowdown have a distinct advantage in the ability to save energy costs. You can recuperate as much as a 50 percent equivalent of the fuel expended by recycling the heat. Rather than sending all of the available heat down the drain with the blowdown, set up a Continuous Blowdown with Heat Recovery system. A flashtank is used to generate pure flash steam that can be released harmlessly into the atmosphere. The remaining liquid transfers the heat through a liquid heat exchanger and used to heat the water for the boiler. You will dramatically bring down your energy costs.

Boiler Feed System

You will find a boiler feed system in instances where a deaerator is impractical or unwanted. Low-pressure pumps can be added to the system to make them perfect for receiving condensates. You should purchase the size tank that is needed and allows for a surge in liquid amount and can contain enough for your use. Tank sizes up to 1,000 gallons are relatively standard. Larger tanks offer a customized boiler feed system.

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Condensate Pumps

Single condensate pumps are float activated, and the units are easy to adjust to any needed water level without removing the whole unit from the receiver. Dual return units use an alternating float switch which alternates the pumping action. It also activates one or the other floats if there is a failure in one switch float. It will keep you operational and safe.

Boiler Feed Pumps

A standard boiler feed pumps contain single or dual float activated units. All parts are in one composite piece and are adjustable to desired water levels. All receiver tanks are pre-tapped for view glass and thermometers.

Contact boiler systems specialists like the Kansas City Deaerator Company and find out more about a boiler feed pump and other ancillary products today!